Taken from
Here are the 75 top reasons cats are some of the most lovable, wonderful, perfect creatures in the world!
- They purr.
- They are soft.
- They are better alarms than any snooze button or clock will ever be.
Get out of my face, you animals. |
- They give you someone to talk to. Sometimes they even listen.
- They talk back.
- Their tails move to the beat of the music.
- They can eat the same thing every day and not complain.
- They look really cute in clothes.
- Wet noses.
- Fluffy tails.
- Head bonks.
- You can talk like a baby and not feel silly.
- You don’t have to take them outside to do their business.
- They never hog the remote.
- They won’t yell at you.
- They are good listeners.
- They know when you need a little extra cuddle.
- They make great pillows.
- They can stay home alone all day and the house will be fine.
- Two words: Whisker kisses.
- They don’t need expensive toys.
- They love you unconditionally.
- They smells like kitty, which smells so good.
- There is nothing like being woken up by sandpaper kitty kisses on your nose.
- The vibrating foot-warmer feature is awesome.
- They’re independent.
- Cat toys are fun to buy.
- Two more words: paw pads.
- They come in all shapes, sizes, and colors.
- Cat hair is an accessory. Wear it proud.
- Sometimes they start purring before you even pet them.
- That chirp when they see a bird or squirrel outside.
- They can turn almost anything into a toy.
- Cuddle piles!
- Sun puddles!
- The way they stick one back leg in the air when they’re grooming, and then stop in midlick and just stare at you.
Oh, Benjamin. |
- They love you unconditionally … as long as you feed them.
- Cats don’t judge.
- Sometimes they go for rides on Roomba vacuums.
- When they slide and skid down hallways or smooth floors.
- The Ancient Egyptians worshipped them. If you’re reading this, you probably still do today, too!
- That sideways, arched-back crabwalk thing they do.
- *butt wiggle*
- Sometimes they get a little twitchy in their sleep, and it’s fun to think they’re dreaming of mice or chasing bugs.
- You pick out their eye boogers without even thinking twice.
- Every cat has a different meow.
- One minute they can stretch out and take up an entire bed, and the next they can be curled up into the tiniest, teeniest little ball of fur.
My bed is in the basement. |
- That “cat smell” they have. Makes you want to eat them up.
- Little pudgy kitten bellies!
- They are great judges of character. If the cat doesn’t like someone, I don’t either.
- They can be so funny when they see themselves in the mirror!
- Without cats, YouTube probably would have gone out of business a long time ago.
- When they knead on your stomach, or any part of the body for that matter.
- How they block you with a paw when they don’t want any more kisses.
- How they fly through the air and twist and do crazy acrobatic moves to catch a toy.
- Cats are beautiful.
- That stretch when they first wake up from a long, comfy cat nap.
- You didn’t want to read that newspaper/book/magazine anyway, right?
- Just looking at them can put you in a more relaxed mood.
- Random love bites and nibbles.
- How their eyes get really big when they focus on something.
- Every cat has his own personality.
- Yes, you can teach cats tricks.
- They greet you at the door when you get home.
- A cat in the windowsill is a sign of a happy home.
- Perfect little pink noses.
- They are geometrically perfect: two little triangle ears and a cute little triangle nose.
Perfect babeh kitteh heads. |
- The way their tails get all curly when they’re happy.
- Two more words: elevator butt.
- No bug or spider or lizard will ever go unfound in the house.
- How they stick their noses up to smell the fresh breeze when the windows are open.
- They are happy to “help” with almost any task, especially if it means getting in the way.
- Cats are the best work distraction ever.
- They have the most expressive faces.
Have any other reasons to add?